30th of October, 2019

Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto


08:30 - 09:00Welcome to Attendees - Registration
09:00 - 09:15Opening Ceremony
Altamiro da Costa Pereira, FMUP's Director; António Albino Teixeira, Director of the Dept. of Biomedicine, FMUP; Elisa Keating , (FMUP, CINTESIS, Portugal), Chair of the Scientific Committee; Maria João Pena , (FMUP, Portugal) Chair Of The Organizing Committee
Session 1 – Metabolic fitness and ageing
CHAIRS: Alejandro Santos, (FCNAUP, Portugal); Henrique Almeida , (i3S, FMUP, Portugal)

09:15 - 09:45"Skeletal muscle aging from a transcriptome and metabolome perspective"
José Pedro Castro, Harvard Medical School, MA, USA
09:45 - 10:15"Nutritional and functional status in the elderly, a picture of the Portuguese elderly population"
Teresa Amaral, FCNAUP, INEGI-LAETA, Portugal
10:15 - 10:45"Exercise and Ageing: the effects on cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle mass and function preservation"
Elisa Marques, ISMAI, Portugal
10:45 - 11:15Coffee Break & Posters
BIOCODEX SESSION – Energy homeostasis and ageing
CHAIRS: Alexandra Gouveia, (FCNAUP, FMUP, i3S, Portugal); Rosário Monteiro , (ARS-Norte, FMUP, Portugal)

11:15 - 11:45"Slowing down the ageing process, targets and strategies. Role of sirtuins"
Delminda Neves, i3S, FMUP, Portugal
11:45 - 12:15"Proteostasis control during aging: lessons from yeast"
Paula Ludovico, ICVS, Portugal
12:15 - 12:45"The role of adipocytic lineages in the development of age-related disorders"
Tim Schulz, DIfE, Germany
13:00 - 14:30Lunch & Posters
Session 3 – Cellular mechanisms of senescence
CHAIRS: Delminda Neves, (i3S, FMUP, Portugal); Sara Andrade , (ICBAS, FMUP, Portugal)

14:30 - 15:00"Biomarkers of tissue ageing and AGEs as modulators of ageing"
Andreas Simm, Martin Luther University, Germany
15:00 - 15:30"Bioactive sphingolipids, mitochondrial function and aging: insights from yeast"
Vítor Costa, i3S, ICBAS, Portugal
15:30 - 16:00"Insights into the contribution of copper to cellular ageing"
Liliana Matos, FMUP, Portugal
16:00 - 16:45Coffee Break
16:45 - 17:45Session 4 – Flash Sessions
CHAIRS: Rita Negrão, (i3S, FMUP, Portugal); Maria João Martins , (i3S, FMUP, Portugal)

"Glycemic control influence on sarcopenia risk in the elderly"
Ana Luísa de Sousa Coelho, CBMR, CENIE, ESSUAlg, CESUAlg, ABC, Portugal
"Uncovering the molecular mechanisms that tie autophagy and UPS during ageing"
Hélder Pereira, ICVS, 3Bs, Portugal
"Testosterone and Estradiol: their relationship with musculoskeletal health in older adults"
Sílvia Rocha Rodrigues, IPVC-ESDL, CIAFEL, Portugal
"Beneficial effects of melanocortins on obesity-related metabolic dysfunction: a focus on the adipose tissue features of premature ageing"
Nádia Silva, i3S, FMUP, Portugal
"HFE loss of function is a susceptibility factor for bone loss and early osteoporosis onset"
Márcio Simão, CCMAR, DCBM, Portugal
"Specific antioxidant effect on ovarian ageing"
Filipa Timóteo Ferreira, i3S, FMUP, Portugal
17:45 - 18:00FMUP Choir
18:00 - 18:15Award Ceremony & Closing Session